The Alberta River Surfing Association (ARSA) and Alberta Whitewater Association (AWA) are creating amazing waves on the Lower Kananaskis Whitewater Park by:
Building an adjustable wave in that will shape perfect surf waves and perfect kayak waves.
Improving the Mountain surf wave to make it higher quality at all flows.
Improve the Santa Claus kayak feature.
The project is part of the Lower Kananaskis Whitewater Park upgrade that will improve and strengthen features through out the whitewater park and improve the commercial raft put-in.
Kananaskis adjustable wave images to click through

Funding status
Adjustable Wave Project cash funding and cost
Total cash funding: $282,000
Government: $191,000
Individual, Corporate, Not-for-profit: $91,000
Total cost: Currently being updated based on adjustments to designs in Summer and Fall 2023.
Whitewater Park Maintenance and Enhancement cash funding
Total: $194,000
Government: $112,000
Individual, Corporate, Not-for-profit: $82,000
Total cost: Currently being updated with adjustments to designs in Summer and Fall 2023.
In addition to cash funding, the projects have received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donated goods and services.
Project timeline
Project timelines can be accellerated with more funding.
Summer and Fall 2023: Update engineering and costs.
Fall 2023: Update permit submissions
Spring and Summer 2024: Receive all permits
Fall 2024: Build boulder berms portion for adjustable wave, improve the Mountain and Santa Clause, and complete other whitewater park enhancements
Summer 2025: Fabricate the adjustable structure
Fall 2025: Install adjustable structure
Engineering drawing excerpts
What type of waves will be made?
A wide range of waves types will be made. The adjustable wave plans are the result of an 18 month research project by ARSA, AWA, Surf Anywhere, the University of Ottawa, and MITACS. An adjustable wave will provide excellent surf waves and kayak waves all year including during high flows. Below are some of the waves created during modelling, the waves in the model are 1m wide.
Is there research behind the adjustable wave design?
Yes, the ARSA and AWA completed 18 months of research into adjustable river wave design with Surf Anywhere, University of Ottawa, and MITACS. You can find results of the research here.
Published research paper.
Is there an economic benefit?
Yes, global surf tourism which is valued at $60 billion a year. The adjustable wave will allow for regular major surf and kayak competitions that will each generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in economic activity. The waves will become staples for Alberta tourism content. The Bend, Oregon, river wave park generated $4,800,000 in economic impacts in 2017 based on an economic impact study.
Is there an environmental benefit?
Yes, the waves and whitewater park create a deep attachment to and appreciation of river ecosystem health. The users and spectators develop the connection through prolonged, positive exposure, and the waves are excellent locations for environment education. The whitewater park has been operating since 1984 including in-river construction projects every 5 years with no negative environmental impacts. All whitewater park features include fish passages and the whitewater park is 1.4km downstream of the TransAlta Barrier dam that is a complete barrier to fish passage.
Who are the ARSA and AWA?
The Alberta River Surfing Association (ARSA) and Alberta Whitewater Association (AWA) are Alberta registered not for profit societies. The ARSA was founded in 2005. The AWA was founded in 1972.
What organizations have supported the project?
These organizations have financially supported the project or provided donations of services.