Donate to build Calgary waves β€” Alberta River Surfing Association

The Alberta River Surfing Association, an Alberta not-for-profit that was established in 2005. Below are our current fundraising opportunities for community fundable Calgary wave projects. Calgary wave projects are done as a full partnership between the ARSA and Alberta Whitewater Association (AWA).

Calgary contributions waiting for update from City of Calgary on Calgary River Wave Park.

Why should I contribute?

This can be you, surfing on a restored 10th street wave in downtown Calgary, enjoying the sun with lots of happy people around and improving your surfing.

10th you.PNG

This can be you, surfing a wide, smooth, adjustable, and gentle wave at the Harvie Passage that works at almost all water levels.

HP you.PNG

Current donors

$500 to <$1000 (Wave founder)

  • Adam Juska

  • Andrea Juska

  • Neil Egsgard

  • Surf Anywhere

  • Tourmaline Oil Corp.

$1000+ (Wave founder)

  • Mick McGregor

<$500 (Donor)

  • Flora Lee

  • Shannan Daley

  • Zefram Azevedso

What type of waves will be made?

10th Street wave will be the same as in earlier years. The wave will be a static wave forming over the natural riverbed. We will be moving riverbed material around to try to recover the good wave. The 10th Street Wave improvements are not a guaranteed success because we will not have complete control of the river bottom and it will be a static wave.

Harvie Passage will be a small, beginner surfable wave in the low water channel. The wave will be much wider and much easier to surf on then the existing Harvie Passage features. The wave must allow safe passage by drift boats, floaters, and other users. The adjustable wave plans are the result of an 18 months of research by Surf Anywhere, the University of Ottawa, ARSA, and the AWA. The Harvie Passage wave is a guaranteed success because we will have complete control of the river bottom and an adjustable wave.

What are the grants and what will they cover?

In 2022, we will be submitting for a Community Facilities Enhancement Program (CFEP) grant from the Alberta Government and other grants. The grant would cover either 10th street adjustments to bring the wave back or an adjustable wave at Harvie Passage. There are other grants available for Calgary specific projects.

When would the improvements happen?

If we receive the CFEP grant, the improvements will happen in 2023 or 2024 depending on timing of the grant.

How will the decision be made whether advance the 10th Street Wave or Harvie Passage project?

We will likely only have enough money to apply for grants for one project at a time. The ARSA membership will make a decision regarding which project will be used for the grants.

What is the deadline for community funds?

The first grant submission is in January 2022 so we have until February to raise funds for the first grant window.

Have we received corporate donations?

Yes, we have $5,100 in corporate cash donations and $44,000 in donated services.

Why is more community funding needed for this build as opposed to previous builds?

Government funding has reduced and the grants are more competitive. The Alberta government has less revenue and has cut spending CFEP funding by 50% since 2019. Funding dropped from $38.5M a year in 2019 to $18.5M a year in 2021.

Does donating funds provide exclusive wave access?

No, these waves will be public access.

Will people who do not contribute be able to use the waves?


How much do we want people to contribute?

As much as possible 😊

How much surfer interest is there in funding the wave so far?

As of August 11, 2021, we have over $2,600 committed by surfers including $1000+ amounts and $500+ amounts. We have $5,100 in corporate donations for a total of $7,700. This is before notifying our community that we are doing the funding drive and is just from a few casual discussions among surfers since mid July.

What are comparable costs for doing sports?

Sunshine seasons pass: $1,200
Annual gym membership: $800
Trip to the ocean to surf: $2000. A better local river wave will make you a MUCH better ocean surfer.

Are there additional benefits to contributing?

Yes. People who contribute $500 or more will be recognized on a plaque at the wave feature.

Are funds donated to Calgary only used for Calgary?

Yes. Funds raised for ARSA projects are project specific. For example, Calgary funds are used in Calgary and Kan funds are used at the Kan.

Can I get a refund if the grant is not approved?

No, the grants decisions are too far out to guarantee a refund. The funds will continue to build until there is enough for grants to be approved.

What are the project cash costs?

These are costs must be paid in cash and do not include the substantial donations of services and materials. 10th Street Wave improvement costs were quoted in 2021 but must be confirmed when funding is available and may change. Harvie Passage costs are rough based on the Kananaskis adjustable wave costs and need to be confirmed

10th cash costs.PNG
HP cash.PNG

Project funding

NB – The CFEP grant can match funds and donated services and materials so the value could be higher. The Wave Founder contribution is not enough to build the wave and requires matching by the CFEP grant.

In-kind contributions

These are donations in services and materials towards the project that are used for matching against the CFEP grant. There were substantial additional donations, but they were provided before June 15 and are not included in this grant.

How are contractors selected?

Contractors are selected through a request for quote process by the ARSA board. Responses are evaluated based on cost, suitability for project needs, experience, and in-kind donations.

How are conflicts of interest handled?

Conflicts of interest are handled per the ARSA Conflict of Interest policy. The policy is published on the ARSA Policies and Procedures page.